Apple's new iOS 17 release brings a wide array of exciting features to the table, making every day more extraordinary by enhancing your device's utility and the things you do on a daily basis. In the following sections, we will dive deep into the primary components and innovations of iOS 17, including the customization of phone calls, voicemail improvements, innovative messaging functionalities, FaceTime updates, and so much more.
1. Personalized Phone Calls. The new iOS 17 allows you to create a personalized Contact Poster, a visual identity that will appear when you call your contacts. Design it using your preferred photo, Memoji, or even just text. This poster is a part of your contact card and can be edited with various font styles and colors, adding a vibrant touch to your communication. Learn how to set up a contact photo or poster on your iPhone with iOS 17
2. Live Voicemail. Gone are the days of listening to voicemails. With Live Voicemail, you can now view a real-time transcription of the message someone is leaving you. This feature also lets you pick up the call at any time if the message seems urgent. Learn How to Enable and Use Live Voicemail on iPhone with iOS 17
3. Redesigned Messaging. iMessage now comes with a bundle of new features. Navigate group chats with an arrow icon for unread messages, create and send stickers, enjoy a cleaner chat screen, and more. The new Check-In feature also allows you to automatically update your friends when you've reached a certain location.
4. Stickers. Creating one-of-a-kind stickers is now possible using your own photos. These Live Stickers can be added directly to the bubble from the Tapback menu. Furthermore, you can use these stickers across different apps as the sticker drawer is integrated into the emoji keyboard. Learn How To Create Your Own Stickers on iPhone with iOS 17
5. FaceTime. FaceTime is also now more interactive. If someone misses your call, you can leave a video or audio message for them. This feature also comes with video effects to enhance the call experience. Another new feature is the ability to use hand gestures for sharing reactions that fill the camera frame with 3D augmented reality effects. Learn How to Record and Send FaceTime Video Messages on iPhone with iOS 17.
6. StandBy. Turn your iPhone into a useful tool when charging. StandBy provides glanceable information from a distance, transforming your iPhone into a bedside clock, photo showcase, or a smart widget stack for real-time updates. Siri results are also more visually rich in this mode, enhancing the hands-free experience. Learn How to Set Up and Use Standby Mode on iPhone with iOS 17
7. Interactive Widgets. Interactive Widgets can be used right from the Home Screen, Lock Screen, or in StandBy mode. With a single tap, you can complete a task, play a song, or access Home controls. Learn How to Use Interactive Widgets on iPhone with iOS 17
8. AirDrop. iOS 17 introduces NameDrop, which allows you to share your contact information by bringing your iPhone near someone else's device. Transfers initiated over AirDrop can now be completed over the internet if both parties are signed in to iCloud and are out of AirDrop range.
9. Journal. The Journal app is a new addition that allows you to preserve your memories and reflect on life's special moments. You can add photos, music, and audio recordings to entries and revisit them later. Using on-device machine learning, the app suggests moments for you to write about.
10. Safari. In Safari, you can create different profiles for various purposes, like Work and Personal. The search is faster and the results more relevant. With enhanced Private Browsing and autofill verification codes from Mail, your browsing experience is secure and seamless. Learn How to Create Safari Profiles on iPhone with iOS 17
11. Keyboard. Autocorrect in iOS 17 has been refined for even better support. Autocorrected words are underlined temporarily, allowing users to understand what has been changed and revert to the original word if necessary. Also, predictions now appear inline as you type.
12. Music. SharePlay allows everyone in the car to control music, making it easier for passengers to play their favorite tracks. A collaborative playlist feature, coming later this year, will let friends join your playlist, with everyone able to add, reorder, and remove songs.
13. AirPlay. On-device intelligence learns your AirPlay preferences over time. Devices are now shown by relevance, and iOS can suggest connections based on your preferences. AirPlay will also be available in supporting hotel rooms later this year.
14. AirPods. The new Adaptive Audio listening mode for AirPods Pro (2nd generation) blends Transparency and Active Noise Cancellation to tailor the noise control experience. Personalized Volume uses machine learning to fine-tune your media experience based on your preferences. The new mute and unmute feature makes calls even more convenient.
15. Maps. Maps can now be downloaded for offline use. Also, real-time charging station availability is available for electric vehicle users.
16. Siri. Siri now works when you just say “Siri” as well as “Hey Siri”. You can issue multiple requests back to back without needing to reactivate Siri.
17. Spotlight. Spotlight offers app shortcuts to your next action within the Top Hit when you search for an app. Rich visual results make finding what you’re looking for faster.
18. Visual Look Up. This feature allows you to identify various objects from photos and videos. You can even find recipes for similar dishes from a photo.
19. Health App. New mental health and vision health features provide powerful insights. Highlights uses on-device machine learning to serve up what matters most to you, like your steps, sleep, or vitals. Advanced trend analysis lets you see how health metrics like heart rate, blood glucose, and respiratory rate change over time. And you can get notifications when new trends are detected.
20. Privacy and Security. Communication Safety extends beyond Messages to include content sent and received in AirDrop, FaceTime messages, Contact Posters, and third-party apps. Sensitive Content Warning blurs sensitive photos and videos before you view them. Improved permissions give you even more control over what you share.
21. Lockdown Mode. The expanded Lockdown Mode increases security to protect against sophisticated cyber attacks. It is now available on all Apple devices, including Apple Watch.

22. Improved permissions. This feature offers more control over what you share. You can now select individual photos to share from within an app, while keeping the rest of your Photos library private. Furthermore, you can allow an app to add an event in Calendar without granting it access to view your other information.
23. Accessibility. Assistive Access distills apps and experiences down to their essential features to aid those with cognitive disabilities. The Personal Voice feature helps individuals with speech loss to create a voice that sounds like them, which can be used with Live Speech for calls and conversations. Point and Speak facilitates easier interaction with physical objects that have text labels for people with vision disabilities.
24. Reminders. The Reminders app now sorts grocery lists automatically into categories, streamlining the shopping experience. It also remembers how you group items.
25. Notes. Notes now supports viewing and marking up PDFs and scanned documents like presentations, assignments, and research papers. You can also add links connecting related notes, such as a trip itinerary and a list of recommended restaurants.
26. PDFs. Enhanced AutoFill enables secure use of saved information from Contacts to quickly fill out PDFs or scanned documents. You can also quickly return your completed form to the sender via Mail.
27. Fitness. The redesigned Sharing tab in Apple Fitness+ displays highlights of your friends' activities, like workout streaks and awards. You can also create a custom workout and meditation schedule based on your preferences with Custom Plans.
28. Find My. You can now share AirTag or Find My network accessories with up to five other people. Everyone in the group can use Precision Finding and play a sound to locate a shared AirTag when they're nearby. Learn How to Share AirTag on iPhone with iOS 17.
29. Home. Activity History in the Home app provides insight into who locked or unlocked the door and when, and it also shows recent activity for garage doors, contact sensors, and your security system.
30. News. Apple News+ subscribers now have access to daily crossword puzzles in the News app. Apple News+ Audio Stories are also available in the Podcasts app.
31. Photos. The People album is enhanced to better recognize your favorite people and even includes pets that are part of your family.
32. Apple ID. You can now securely sign in to your iPhone using a nearby device or any email address or phone number listed in your account.
33. Freeform. Freeform introduces new drawing tools like a watercolor brush, calligraphy pen, highlighter, variable-width pen, and ruler to aid brainstorming.