How to record a phone call on iPhone

Recording phone calls on your iPhone can be useful for a variety of reasons, whether it's for business or personal purposes. Fortunately, it's easy to record phone calls on your iPhone with the built-in recording feature. Here's how to do it:

  1. Enable the call recording feature on your iPhone. First, make sure that you've enabled the call recording feature on your iPhone. To do this, go to Settings > Control Center > Customize Controls, then add the "Voice Memos" option to your Control Center.

  2. Start a phone call. Next, start a phone call with the person you want to record.

  3. Open the Control Center. During the phone call, swipe down from the top right corner of your iPhone's screen to open the Control Center.

  4. Start recording. Tap the "Voice Memos" button in the Control Center to start recording the phone call. A red banner will appear at the top of your screen to indicate that the call is being recorded.

  5. End the call and stop recording. When you're done with the call, simply end it as you normally would. The recording will automatically stop and be saved to the Voice Memos app on your iPhone.

That's it! You've successfully recorded a phone call on your iPhone. Keep in mind that in some regions, recording phone calls without the consent of all parties involved may be illegal, so it's important to check your local laws and regulations before recording phone calls. Additionally, be sure to inform the other party that you're recording the call if it's legal to do so.

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