Master Your iPhone Keyboard with These 5 Time-Saving Shortcuts

The iPhone keyboard is designed to be easy to use, but did you know that there are several keyboard shortcuts that can make typing even faster and more efficient? Here are some of the most useful iPhone keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Shift Key Shortcuts. When you're typing in all caps, you can quickly switch back to lowercase by tapping the Shift key twice. You can also capitalize a specific letter by holding down the letter key and then swiping up on the keyboard.

  2. Emoji Shortcuts. If you frequently use emojis, you can quickly access them by tapping and holding the Globe key on the keyboard. This will bring up the emoji keyboard, where you can select the emoji you want to use.

  3. Text Replacement Shortcuts. If you frequently type the same phrases or words, you can create text replacement shortcuts to save time. To do this, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement, then tap the "+" button to add a new shortcut.

  4. Cursor Shortcuts. When you're editing text, you can quickly move the cursor to a specific location by pressing and holding the Space bar. This will turn the keyboard into a trackpad, allowing you to move the cursor by dragging your finger on the keyboard.

  5. Dictation Shortcuts. If you prefer to dictate text rather than typing it out, you can quickly access the dictation feature by tapping the microphone key on the keyboard. You can also insert punctuation marks by saying their names, such as "period" or "comma".

That's it! By using these keyboard shortcuts, you can save time and type more efficiently on your iPhone.

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How make iPhone keyboard bigger
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