iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes

If your iPhone is displaying a message that says "iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes," it means that the device has been locked after too many incorrect passcode attempts. This is a security feature designed to prevent unauthorized access to your device.

To fix this issue and regain access to your iPhone, you will need to connect it to a computer with iTunes installed. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Connect your iPhone to a computer that has the latest version of iTunes installed.
  2. Launch iTunes and wait for it to recognize your device.
  3. If your iPhone is locked, you will need to enter the passcode on your device to allow the computer to access it. If you don't know the passcode, you may need to erase your device and restore it from a backup.
  4. Once your iPhone is recognized by iTunes, click on the device icon in the top left corner of the iTunes window.
  5. In the Summary tab, you will see an option to "Restore iPhone." Click on this option to begin the restore process.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the restore process. This will erase all the data on your iPhone and restore it to its original factory settings.
  7. Once the restore process is complete, you can set up your iPhone as a new device or restore it from a backup.

Note that if you have never synced your iPhone with iTunes or enabled "Find My iPhone" on your device, you may need to put your device in recovery mode before restoring it. You can find instructions on how to do this on the Apple website.

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