How to share wifi password on iPhone

Sharing a WiFi password on your iPhone can be a convenient way to help your friends or family connect to your home or office network. Fortunately, the process of sharing a WiFi password on an iPhone is very simple, and can be done in just a few steps.

  1. Make sure both devices are running iOS 11 or later. To share a WiFi password on an iPhone, both the iPhone that's sharing the password and the iPhone that's receiving the password need to be running iOS 11 or later. If either device is running an earlier version of iOS, you won't be able to use this feature.

  2. Make sure both devices have WiFi and Bluetooth turned on. Both devices need to have WiFi and Bluetooth turned on in order to share the password. You can turn on WiFi and Bluetooth by going to the Control Center and tapping the WiFi and Bluetooth icons.

  3. Bring the two iPhones close to each other. The two iPhones need to be close to each other in order to share the password. This is because the password is shared over Bluetooth.

  4. Connect to the WiFi network on the iPhone that needs the password. On the iPhone that needs the password, go to Settings > WiFi and find the network you want to connect to. Tap the network name to connect.

  5. Tap "Share Password" on the iPhone that has the password. On the iPhone that has the password, you should see a message pop up that says "Share Password" with the name of the WiFi network underneath. Tap this message to share the password with the other iPhone.

  6. Accept the password on the iPhone that needs it. On the iPhone that needs the password, you should see a message pop up that says "WiFi Password" with the name of the WiFi network and the password underneath. Tap "Accept" to connect to the network.

And that's it! You've successfully shared a WiFi password on your iPhone. Keep in mind that this feature only works between two iPhones running iOS 11 or later, so if either device is running an earlier version of iOS or if you're trying to share the password with a device that's not an iPhone, you'll need to use a different method.

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