How to increase the refresh rate in Safari on an iPhone

On devices that support it, you can enable ProMotion, which is a feature that allows the screen to refresh at up to 120Hz. This can make scrolling, animations, and other movements appear much smoother and more responsive. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on Accessibility.
  3. Scroll down and select Motion.
  4. Turn on the switch for "Limit Frame Rate".
  5. Choose the "120Hz" option.

After you've enabled ProMotion, your device will automatically adjust its refresh rate depending on the content being displayed. This means that if you're viewing a website in Safari that doesn't require a high refresh rate, your device may lower the rate to save battery life. But when you're scrolling through a website or viewing video content that could benefit from a higher refresh rate, your device will automatically increase the rate to make things appear smoother.

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